terça-feira, 4 de outubro de 2011

Time For Goodbye

- It's time to let it go, and you know it.
- But I don't want to say goodbye. Not yet... Not to you...
- We're never gonna say goodbye to each other, we're never gonna be ready for this. But the truth is...
- It's time to let it go, I know that. I just don't understand why.
- For all the reasons and for no reason at all...
- You're making me even more confused.
- I may bring out the best in you, but you bring out the worst in me.
- We knew that since the beggining... What changed?
- Everything. Nothing. I don't know. Please stop doing that.
- Doing what?
- Trying to change my mind.
- I'm not trying to change your mind...
- Oh... so it doesn't even matter to you anymore?
- That's not what I'm saying.
- That's what it sounds like...
- But I'm not... Wait... You're the one who is ending this... What do you really want? Do you want me to change your mind? Cause I will, I'll do anything for us.
- Stop it, please! There's no "us", not anymore... I need to end this, but... I'm not so sure I can do it...
- I don't want you to be with me just because you can't be without me. It's not fair to either of us.
- I knew it! You just don't care about us, do you?
- You just said "there's no us"... Are you testing me? There's no need for that, I love you and you know it...
- I know, but... God, why do you have to be so amazing? Now I'm having second thougts...
- It's like I said, I love you, but there's no way we're gonna stay together if it doesn't feel right for you.
- You'll always be the right one for me... but you're also wrong in so many ways...
- Baby, I think the answer is clear. It's the best we can do. And we have to do it now, before it's too late.
- Yeah, I think so too.
- But I meant it when I told you I can't say goodbye to you. I don't even think I want to.
- So let's not say it, but it's still gonna be difficult...
- I think we should say it. Maybe our hearts understand this is goodbye and we'll stop loving each other.
- Not possible. Our hearts will always be connected and I'll never stop loving you. You'll always be part of my life, thank you for that.
- Thank you for being part of my most beautiful dreams... But now it's time to say goodbye.
- You're right. So goodbye, for good.
-Goodbye, for real.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.4

3 comentários:

  1. OMFG!
    De onde é esse quote? Gossip Girl, meu Gossip Girl, Grey's Anatomy ou o SEU Grey's Anatomy???
    Flor, eu ainda não sei o que dizer sobre isso. Ainda tô muito no calor do momento pra poder falar qualquer coisa, além de... likewise. Likewise pro seu comentário, a recíproca é sempre verdadeira.
    Outra coisa: vamos combinar uma coisa - a primeira que descobrir o bálsamo passa a receita pra outra, ok?
    Beijos, lágrimas e que atravessemos a tempestade juntas. Luv ya, bitch!

  2. E mais uma observação: esse fundo de página desencadeador de epilepsia já tava aqui? Parece TV dessintonizada!

  3. Bem vingativa vc, né, Rachel? Só porque eu acabei com a sua make no post, vc tinha que acabar com a minha no comentário... E esse fundo tá aqui há um tempinho, sim! Seja compreensiva, ele brilha! =D
